Pros and Cons of Tpp Trade Agreement

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free trade agreement between 12 countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia. The TPP has been a controversial topic since its inception, as some argue it will bring benefits to participating countries, while others argue it will do more harm than good. Here are some of the most common pros and cons of the TPP trade agreement.


1. Increased trade: The TPP aims to reduce trade barriers between participating countries, making it easier and cheaper for businesses to export their goods and services. This could lead to increased trade and economic growth for all countries involved.

2. Improved intellectual property protection: The TPP includes provisions that aim to protect the intellectual property rights of businesses and individuals, making it easier for them to innovate and create new products and services.

3. Greater consumer choice: With increased trade, consumers are likely to see a greater variety of products and services available to them, and at a lower cost.

4. Improved labor standards: The TPP includes provisions that aim to improve labor standards in participating countries, including protections for workers` rights and increased access to collective bargaining.


1. Job loss: Critics of the TPP argue that it will lead to job losses in participating countries, as businesses move their operations overseas in search of cheaper labor and lower taxes.

2. Environmental concerns: The TPP has been criticized for failing to adequately address environmental concerns, including climate change and deforestation.

3. Increase in drug prices: The TPP includes provisions that could lead to an increase in drug prices, as pharmaceutical companies are given greater patent protections and are able to charge higher prices.

4. Loss of sovereignty: Some have argued that the TPP could lead to a loss of sovereignty for participating countries, as they may be required to follow the regulations and laws set out in the agreement, even if those regulations conflict with their own laws and values.

Overall, the TPP trade agreement has its pros and cons. While it aims to increase trade and economic growth, it also carries the risk of job loss and environmental damage. It is up to each individual to weigh the benefits and drawbacks and determine whether they support the agreement or not.